Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM) made the evaluation of existing size estimation (SE) studies in 8 countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CEECA). Program planning for MSM can be more efficient if there are accurate estimates of the size of these populations. MSM SE studies are often sub-standard, due to inadequate sampling and political motivations to downplay the existence of certain subgroups.
Review of the existing MSM SE studies was conducted. Assessment protocol and tool was elaborated assessing the existed SE surveys: existence of surveys, reliability of data, recency, use by stakeholders, availability of data on national and regional level. Experts from each country from both governmental and non-governmental institutions participated in the assessment process. The modification of the Delphi technique used to achieve the consensus.
SE of MSM has been conducted in all target countries. However, SE was not done regularly and has not been updated in target countries, except for Armenia and Ukraine. In the majority of countries the research underestimates true number of MSM population (less than 1% of adult male populations in countries). The studies are subject to a number of limitations (small sample size; number of sites; accuracy of census data; difficulties to reach hidden MSM groups; age restriction; differences in definition of MSM, etc.). As a rule, MSM are not involved in the process of survey planning, implementation, analysis and/or management. Part of NGOs/communities do not trust the data coming from SE studies conducted by state and consensus on estimation was not reached. SE of trans population in the region was conducted only in Armenia, but the results are not published yet.
Although MSM SE results are recognized by national HIV programs of target countries, national budgets allocate little to no resources to HIV interventions targeting them. Better communication and collaboration between state institutions and NGO sector as well as effective advocacy can improve the state funding of MSM oriented services. SE should be conducted regularly and qualified representatives from LGBT community organizations should be fully involved in planning, conduction and analysis of SE.
Authors: Chikhladze, Sergo; Kasianchuk, Maxim; Djuma, Vitaly
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